Tureks Uluslararası Fuarcılık logo Tureks Uluslararası Fuarcılık
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TUREKS company has been an organizer of industrial and commercial trade fairs & exhibitions in Turkeyand other countries for several years. Licensed by Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, the company is knownfor its successful organizations, innovative projects, and for being a quality asset in the public sector andservices.

TUREKS mission is to become a leading and global fair organizer through maintained growth, and thusserving our clients and our country's economy as best as possible.
Press Releases:
 Upcoming Events:more  
Atrax 2026
13th Turkish exhibition for the amusement and attraction industry
1/15/2026 - 1/17/2026
Vending Technologies and Self Service Systems Exhibition
1/15/2026 - 1/17/2026
Vending Technologies and Self Service Systems Exhibition
Dates: TBD
ATRAX 2027
14th International Exhibition for Attractions, Parks, Games and Sport Fields Industry
Dates: TBD

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