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NatMallExpo 2026
22nd International Exhibition on Commercial Real Estate and Retail
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: EVR, LLC / Synergy, LLC
Securika Moscow 2026
31st International exhibition of security and fire protection equipment and products
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: ITE LLC Moscow ITE Group PLC
TransRussia 2026
30th International Exhibition for Transport and Logistics Services and Technologies
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: ITE LLC Moscow
Analitika Expo 2026
24th International exhibition for laboratory equipment and chemical reagents
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: ITE Moscow
MiningWorld Russia 2026
30th International Exhibition and Conference for the Mining and Processing of Metals and Minerals
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: ITE Group PLC
Dental Salon 2026
59th Moscow International Dental Forum & Exhibition
Dates: TBD
Global Ingredients Show 2026
28th International Exhibition of Ingredients for Food, Nutritional Supplements, Cosmetics and Household Chemistry
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: MVK
HeliRussia 2026 437 days
International Helicopter Industry Exhibition
5/14/2026 - 5/16/2026
Orgnizer: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
30th International Exhibition for the Packaging Industry
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: ITE Moscow
Printech 2026
11th International exhibition of equipment, technologies and supplies for print and advertising production
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: ITE Moscow
Rosplast Exhibition 2026
16th International Exhibition of Machinery and Materials for Plastics Industry
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: Gefera Media Ltd
Rosmould & 3D-TECH Exhibition 2026
International Exhibition for Mould and Tool Making, Equipment and Technologies for Product Manufacture
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: Gefera Media Ltd
Stone Industry 2026
International Exhibition on Mining, Processing and Use of Natural Stone
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: EXPODESIGN RA Exhibition company
technotextil 2026
International Trade Fair for Technical Textiles, Nonwovens, Textile Processing and Equipment
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: Gefera Media Ltd
WasteTech 2026
International exhibition for Waste Management, Environmental Technologies, Ecology and Renewable Energy
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: EVR, LLC
EcwaTech 2026
International exhibition of technologies and equipment for water treatment, supply and disposal
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: EVR, LLC
FlowersExpo 2026
International exhibition of flowers, plants, machinery and technology for floriculture and landscape design
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: GreenExpo Exhibition Company
CeMAT Russia 2026
International Exhibition for materials handling, warehousing equipment and logistics
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: DM RUS
WorldFood Moscow 2026
35th International autumn food and drink exhibition
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: ITE LLC Moscow
Light + Audio Tec 2026
International Trade Fair of stage and studio equipment, video technologies and installations
Dates: TBD
Orgnizer: Gefera Media Ltd

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