ACEP25 Scientific Assembly ACEP25 Scientific Assembly 187 days
American College Of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly
9/7/2025 - 9/10/2025
Venue: Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City UT, United States
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Learn important clinical updates from your colleagues. Explore new tools and devices to help make your practice easier. And lift your heart as we collectively take the time to celebrate emergency medicine's achievements at this annual meeting.

This immersive, interactive experience stretches the boundaries of what typical medical conferences offer. ACEP Scientific Assembly is the place to gain the knowledge that you can immediately put into practice.

Salt Palace Convention Center
100 S. West Temple SLC, UT. 84101, Salt Lake City UT
United States
Tel: +1-385-468-2222
American College of Emergency Physicians
4950 W. Royal Lane, Irving, TX 75063-2524, Irving TX
United States
Tel: +1-(972)-550-0911

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