AGRAR Unternehmertage 2026 AGRAR Unternehmertage 2026 312 days
Meeting point of the agricultural sector and regional trade fair for agricultural production, trade and management
2/3/2026 - 2/6/2026
Venue: Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Munsterland, Munster, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The AGRAR Entrepreneur Days are - beyond the regional borders of Westphalia - a successful agricultural trade fair that has been established since 1997. It takes place every two years in Munster. The exhibition has now become an integral part of the annual planning for farmers and companies from the region.

Most trade visitors come to the fair with specific investment plans; it shows trends and innovations especially for finishing, barn construction and IT in agriculture. The exchange of experience, the high density of experts and the establishment of new contacts also contribute significantly to the success of the event.

In 2019, around 32,000 trade visitors gathered information on the wide range of 370 regional and national exhibitors during the four days of the fair.

Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Munsterland
Albersloher Weg 32 D - 48155, Munster
Tel: +49-0251-66 00 - 0
E.G.E. European Green Exhibitions GmbH
Messedamm 22 14055, Berlin
Tel: +49-(0)30-30 38 2012

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