Academic Surgical Congress 2026 Academic Surgical Congress 2026 337 days
21st Annual Academic Surgical Congress
2/3/2026 - 2/5/2026
Venue: Hilton Orlando Buena Vista Palace, Orlando FL, United States
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The ASC is a joint meeting of the two leading associations for academic surgery - The Association for Academic Surgery (AAS) and The Society of University Surgeons (SUS). Together the AAS and SUS boast more than 6,000 members from leading institutions nationwide.

More than 2,000 academic surgeons from a breadth of disciplines will participate. Medical students, residents and young surgeons will be acknowledged for their thought-provoking work and established surgical leaders will present keynote addresses.

Organizer: The Association for Academic Surgery (AAS)
The Society of University Surgeons (SUS)

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