Andigrafica 2025 Andigrafica 2025 105 days
International Fair of the Graphic Communication Industry
6/17/2025 - 6/20/2025
Venue: Corferias Bogota, Bogota, Colombia
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Andigrafica is a leading trade show in Latin America and will be the meeting and business focal point for the graphics industry, with the latest trends in machines and equipment, supplies, flexography, comprehensive research and communication solutions, digital animation, design, advertising and printing.

With more than 8.000 square meters of exhibition floor, this show will be the focal point for national and international large-scale business transactions and meetings between service, machinery, equipment and raw material companies. Aside from doing business, exhibitors and visitors alike will be able to exchange knowledge and build on innovation in order to achieve differentiation for the processes, products and services of their industry.

Corferias Bogota - International Business and Exhibition Center
Principal Entrance Carrera 37 No 24 - 67, Bogota
Tel: +57-1-381-0000
ANDIGRAF - Colombian Association of the Graphic Communication Industry
Avenida Calle 127 No. 14-54 Oficina 305 Edificio Gradeco Business Plaza. Bogota D.C., Bogota
Tel: +57-(1)-514 0824

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