AsiaExpo 2025 AsiaExpo 2025 183 days
International Agricultural Congress
9/16/2025 - 9/18/2025
Venue: Sirius University of Science and Technology, Sirius, Russia
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
ASIAEXPO is a platform for the exchange of experience and the perfect guide for mutual integration of agricultural spheres of Russia, China, India, Africa, the countries of Southeast Asia, the Middle East and the CIS.

Exhibition sections include: Fodders for the livestock/poultry, Equipment for milking and animals husbandry, Equipment for forage harvesting and fodder production, Biotechnology, Agronomy, Aquaculture - equipment/feed, Veterinary medications, Insemination, Grain storage and processing, Equipment for the grains and oilseeds processing (production of oil, feed, flour), Laboratory equipment, Farm-supplied heifers for export, Goat and sheep breeding, IT development, software, Services for the farms, Equipment and technologies for milk processing - all subsections are specified on the website of the exhibition.

AsiaExpo LLC
Sochi, Sochi
Tel: +7-909-452-49-22

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