BITE Stockholm 2025 BITE Stockholm 2025 209 days
A B2B fair for the entire food system
9/29/2025 - 9/30/2025
Venue: Stockholmsmassan, Stockholm, Sweden
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The food system needs to evolve to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

At BITE, we want to create a platform that enables that change.

A platform where everyone is represented - From Farm to Foodtech - to create a sustainable transition together.

You will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from across the food system to discuss change, create new business opportunities and find new and unexpected synergies.

Show the world that your company is a force to be reckoned with in the sustainable transition.

Present your ideas, products, skills and your willingness to work together to take the steps forward towards a sustainable food system.

Stockholmsmassan - Stockholm International Fairs & Congress Center
Mässvägen 1, 125 80, Stockholm
Tel: +46-(0)8-749 41 00
Stockholmsmassan - Stockholm International Fairs & Congress Center
Mässvägen 1, 125 80, Stockholm
Tel: +46-(0)8-749 41 00

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