Balkan Textile 2026 Balkan Textile 2026
Textiles, Fabrics, Accessories & Machinery Exhibition in Serbia
Dates: TBD
Venue: Belgrade Fair, Belgrade, Serbia
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Balkan Textile is the best way for the exporters to find importers, local producers and major retailers who are driving demand and therefore expand their sales channels in Serbia, a lucrative platform and an unmissable chance for its privileged participants where top products, equipment and machinery in textile sector will be showcased by exhibitors from different countries to an audience of successful, aspirant entrepreneurs who have the motivation and capital to invest in new business ventures.

The fair offers its exclusive participants the most cost-effective and efficient way of gaining market share in the country where supply and demand will be brought together under one roof for the exporter companies to seize the opportunities in Serbia and increase their export volume.

Belgrade Fair
Bulevar vojvode Misića 14, 11000, Belgrade
Tel: +381-(0)11-2655-555
Meridyen Fair International
Halil Rifat Paşa Mah. Abdullah Eraslan Cad. Guler Sk. No:51 sisli, Istanbul
Tel: +90-212-210 50 50

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