CASA POP-UP 2025 CASA POP-UP 2025 64 days
Your trade fair for creative living & furnishing
5/7/2025 - 5/9/2025
Venue: Messezentrum Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The CASA POP-UP is more than just a trade fair.

CASA POP-UP at the Salzburg Exhibition Center is Austria's most important trade fair for interior furnishings and interior design. CASA POP-UP is a source of inspiration, industry meeting point and order platform for interior and home design. It showcases expertise and sets new standards in terms of design and functionality. As an exhibitor, you can present innovations and trends for the coming season and showcase your products and services to an interested trade audience.

CASA POP-UP embodies the philosophy of "small but mighty" - an exclusive format characterized by high-quality exhibitors, inspiring trends and a personal atmosphere.

Messezentrum Salzburg
Am Messezentrum 1, 5020, Salzburg
Tel: +43-(0)662-2404-0
Messezentrum Salzburg
Am Messezentrum 1, 5020, Salzburg
Tel: +43-(0)662-2404-0

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