CILAD Congress 2026 CILAD Congress 2026
25th Ibero-Latin American Congress of Dermatology
Dates: TBD
Venue: TBD, TBD, TBD
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The Ibero-Latin American Congress of Dermatology is the most complete result of the academic excellence of CILAD, and is held every 2 years. With more than 20 editions, this event is considered the largest within the specialty. It brings together thousands of residents and dermatologists from the entire Ibero-Latin American region. The scientific quality is reflected in the vast programs that include workshops, symposiums, workshops, courses, master conferences, among other activities. All this, without neglecting the moments of social encounter that allow the formation of fraternal bonds and interaction between colleagues.

Ibero Latin American College of Dermatology (CILAD)
Av.Belgrano 1217, Floor 10, Of.104 (C1093AAA), Buenos Aires
Tel: +54-(11)-4382-6887

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