WCCM-ECCOMAS 2026 WCCM-ECCOMAS 2026 480 days
17th World Congres on Computational Mechanics & 10th ECCOMAS Congress
7/19/2026 - 7/24/2026
Venue: Munich, Munich, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The main event organized by ECCOMAS is its biennial European Congress, providing a rendezvous for scientists and engineers from within Europe and around the globe. The main objective of these congresses is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of state-of-the-art developments in scientific computing applied to engineering sciences. Equal emphasis is given to basic methodologies, scientific development and industrial applications.

The ECCOMAS Congress includes invited lectures, invited Special Technological Sessions (STS), contributed papers from Academy and Industry and organized Minisymposia. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Congresses are widely disseminated in Europe.

Website: https://www.eccomas.org/conferences/eccomas-congresses/
CIMNE Congress Bureau
Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034, Barcelona
Tel: +34-93-405 46 97
ECCOMAS, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
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Tel: +44-null-null

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