ESF North America 2025 ESF North America 2025 67 days
North America Energy & Sustainability Forum
5/20/2025 - 5/22/2025
Venue: Houston, Houston TX, United States
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Great aspects of mankind were reflected in the Tom Hanks movie when everyone came together to figure out how to get those astronauts home, and like Apollo 13's space mission, this decarbonization challenge requires us to come together, and work together.

No one company, technology, refinery or plant can solve this alone. It requires partnerships, multiple solutions, and a combination of concerted efforts from policy, industry, and consumers.

Returning to Houston for 2025 from the 20-22 May, ESF North America is the only event dedicated to downstream decarbonisation and will bring together industry leaders to help realize a sustainable energy future in which the refining and chemicals industries continue to play a leading role!

Euro Petroleum Consultants Ltd [EPC]
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