ESRA Winter Week Conference 2026 ESRA Winter Week Conference 2026 314 days
20th ESRA Winter Week Conference
1/18/2026 - 1/23/2026
Venue: Langenfeld, Langenfeld, Austria
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
In the Winterweek a combination of lectures, practical sessions and stimulating discussions is provided by experts in the field of Regional Anesthesia and Acute and Chronic Pain management.

The venue of the congress allows also discussions and professional interaction outside the Congress during active sports and leisure and contributes to the open and relaxing atmosphere of this conference.

The lectures are state of the art lectures of new developments and knowledge in regional anaesthesia and pain management.

The workshops provide practical knowledge and skills which can be directly applied in daily practice. New developments relating not only to regional anaesthesia but which may also be applied in other fields of anaesthesia are also discussed and taught.

European Society of Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Therapy
Rue de Chantepoulet 10, 1201, Geneva
Tel: +41-22-510 56 10

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