Zero Emission | Ecomobiel 2025 Zero Emission | Ecomobiel 2025 217 days
Platform for sustainable mobility and mobility management
10/7/2025 - 10/9/2025
Venue: Brabanthallen 's-Hertogenbosch, sHertogenbosch, Netherlands
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Concurrent Expo: Vakbeurs Energie 2025 - The tradeshow for energy-saving technology and sustainable energy
Zero Emission | Ecomobiel has grown to become the biggest platform for sustainable mobility and mobility management. An exhibition where real business deals are made and the vehicle for industry parties to come together in new relationships.

In addition to Zero Emission | Ecomobiel, there is a specific platform for energy-saving technology and sustainable energy: Vakbeurs Energie. This platform is the place-to-be whether it concerns a specific improvement or an integral approach, from reducing energy consumption to stricter purchasing policies. This platform has its own program and media campaign.

For industrial energy supply visitors can visit the trade show Industrial Heat & Power. And last but not least: PREFAB for industral and modular (off-site) building and renovation.

Brabanthallen 's-Hertogenbosch
Diezekade 2, 5222 AK 's-Hertogenbosch, sHertogenbosch
Tel: +31-073-629 39 11
54events B.V.
Angstelkade 1 3631 NA Nieuwersluis, Utrecht
Tel: +31-0294-74 50 70

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