Elmia Lastbil 2026 Elmia Lastbil 2026 532 days
International trade fair for the haulage and transport industry
8/19/2026 - 8/22/2026
Venue: Elmia, Jonkoping, Sweden
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Irrespective of whether you build, buy, sell or drive commercial vehicles of any kind - or if you dream of a future behind the wheel - the Elmia Lastbil fair is for you.

During four days, the entire haulage industry will come together. Interesting topics will be discussed here and meetings held for the really heavy business deals. Elmia Lastbil will address issues of today and tomorrow regarding transport, distribution and logistics - focusing on you as a visitor and with commercial vehicles of all conceivable varieties as the common denominator. So take the E4 motorway to exit 99 and prepare for a 100 percent commercial vehicle experience.

Website: https://www.elmia.se/en/lastbil/
Elmia AB
Massvagen 12, SE-554 54, Jonkoping
Tel: +46-36-15 20 00
Elmia AB
Massvagen 12, SE-554 54, Jonkoping
Tel: +46-36-15 20 00

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