EuroBLECH 2026 EuroBLECH 2026 596 days
28th International Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition
10/20/2026 - 10/23/2026
Venue: Exhibition Grounds Hanover, Hanover, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
EuroBLECH is specifically targeted to the sheet metal working industry, featuring a global audience of visitors ready to invest and demonstrating a clear focus on technological excellence. In the current environment of volatile markets, it is thus the platform for international manufacturers and suppliers to the sheet metal working industry.

As a vertical trade show, EuroBLECH covers the entire sheet metal working technology chain and offers the industry sector a unique marketplace for knowledge transfer, individual manufacturing solutions and worldwide business contacts.

Hanover Exhibition Grounds (Messegelände Hannover)
Deutsche Messe Messegelände 30521, Hanover
Tel: +49-511-89-0
Mack-Brooks Exhibitions
Romeland House, Romeland Hill, St Albans, Hertfordshire
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-1727-814 400

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