EuroSteel 2026 EuroSteel 2026 552 days
11th European Scientific Conference
9/16/2026 - 9/18/2026
Venue: Cracow, Krakow, Poland
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
With the greatest pleasure, we invite all scientists, designers, producers, and students interested in the design of new and upkeep of existing structures made of structural steel and composite structures to participate in the 11th European Scientific Conference EUROSTEEL 2026. During the conference, special attention will be paid to modern, innovative, environmentally friendly construction solutions and the issue of reusing steel structural elements.

The conference will be the 11th in the series. The previous conferences took place in Athens (1995), Prague (1999), Coimbra (2002), Maastricht (2005), Graz (2008), Budapest (2011), Naples (2014), Copenhagen (2017), Sheffield (2021) and Amsterdam (2023).

The conference will take place in Cracow, Poland, on September 16-18, 2026.

Organizer: Cracow University of Technology
Rzeszow University of Technology

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