EUROSLAG 2026 EUROSLAG 2026 461 days
13th European Slag Conference
6/16/2026 - 6/18/2026
Venue: Lulea, Lulea, Sweden
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Jernkontoret, the Swedish iron and steel producers' association, the metals research institute Swerim, and Lulea University of Technology have the honor to arrange next Euroslag conference, Euroslag 2026, in Lulea Sweden.

The conference will involve steel producers, slag processors, equipment providers, government and regulatory authorities, researchers and end-users of slag. As especially the steel industry but also metallurgical industry in general is going through a transition to decrease its CO2 emissions the slags produced will also be changed. To find good use for the slags, possibly in applications further decreasing the CO2-footprint will be a challenge. It is expected that a substantial part of the presentations during the conference will be dealing with these challenges as well as with legislative and environmental issues. Detailed information regarding the conference, timetable and submission guidelines for abstracts will continuously be updated on this web-page. A preliminary conference program will be released late autumn 2025.

The organizers warmly welcome You to attend the Euroslag 2026 conference in Lulea, Sweden, June 16-18, 2026.

EUROSLAG - European Slag Association
Bliersheimer Strasse 62 47229, Duisburg-Rheinhausen
Tel: +49-2065-9945-0

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