ExpoMECANICA 2026 ExpoMECANICA 2026 428 days
Professional Salon Equipment, Services and Auto Parts
5/29/2026 - 5/31/2026
Venue: EXPONOR, Porto, Portugal
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The expoMECANICA has become the new destination of aftermarket and the event where the industry does business. The market of automotive replacement presents at Exponor - Porto International Fair, innovations and solutions in parts and systems, accessories, repair and maintenance, IT and service stations management. It is therefore the ideal platform to promote products and services to an important business generating sector, present market trends, boost sales, strengthen the image of brands, analyze competition, loyalty and win new customers, strengthen the relationship with a public highly qualified buyer

Website: https://expomecanica.pt/en/
Exponor - Feira Internacional do Porto
4450-617 Leca da Palmeira, 4454-515 Matosinhos, Porto
Tel: +351-22-998 1400
Kikai Eventos
Rua Antonio Bessa Leite, 916 - 4o andar 4150-072, Porto
Tel: +351-22-6105 194

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