Expoprotection 2026 Expoprotection 2026 609 days
The Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management
11/3/2026 - 11/5/2026
Venue: Paris Porte de Versailles, Paris, France
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Every two years in Paris, Expoprotection, the international exhibition for risk prevention and management, brings together a unique 360º range of equipment, services, and expertise in France. This event allows intermediaries and professional decision-makers to directly discover market trends and innovations, meet top-level experts, and select the best solutions to protect people and organizations from the full spectrum of risks and threats they face.

Website: https://www.expoprotection.com/
Paris expo Porte de Versailles
1 place de la Porte de Versailles - 75015, Paris
Tel: +33-1-
RX France
52 -54, quai de Dion Bouton CS 80001, Puteaux
Tel: +33-1-47 56 50 00

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