ForCafe 2025 ForCafe 2025 220 days
The Connection Between Coffee Growers, Cooperatives and the Roastering Industry
10/9/2025 - 10/11/2025
Venue: Expo Lambari, Lambari, Brazil
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
FORCAFE - Fair of Suppliers of the Coffee Production Chain, an initiative of the Enterprise Group, Rofer and Proma Feiras, which will bring together the complete coffee chain, bringing innovative technologies and solutions to modernize and further develop the sector, promoting and opening new opportunities for the expansion of this industry, in addition to establishing contacts for opportunities with potential decision makers from all over Brazil, such as roasting industries, micro roasters, cooperative coffee growers, independent coffee growers, warehouses, exporters, among other specialists.

ROFER Feiras & Eventos
Av. Dr. Guilherme Dumont Villares, 1715 - 2# andar - 2B - CEP 05640 003, Sao Paulo
Tel: +55-11-2730 - 0522
Proma Feiras
Rua Correia de Lemos, 158C CEP:04140-000 - Sao Paulo - SP, Sao Paulo
Tel: +51-(11)-5070-0310

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