Greencities & S-Moving 2025 Greencities & S-Moving 2025 211 days
The Forum brings together experts in sustainability, urban management and smart mobility
10/1/2025 - 10/2/2025
Venue: Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Malaga, Malaga, Spain
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Greencities, Urban Intelligence and Smart Mobility

Greencities will once again be the meeting point in 2025 for cities and the companies and organizations working to promote smart and sustainable territories. If you are part of the ecosystem of urban equipment, innovative products and services, and technological solutions applied to city management, mark the following dates in your calendar: October 1st and 2nd, 2025.

Join us for this new edition to continue advancing together towards a more connected, efficient, and environmentally friendly urban management. Don't miss this unique opportunity to be part of the change!

FYCMA - Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga
Avenida Ortega y Gasset, 201. 29006, Malaga
Tel: +34-952-045 500
FYCMA - Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga
Avenida Ortega y Gasset, 201. 29006, Malaga
Tel: +34-952-045 500

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