GrindingHub 2026 GrindingHub 2026 428 days
The new hub of international grinding technology
5/5/2026 - 5/8/2026
Venue: Messe Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
GrindingHub is the new international centre for grinding technology and superfinishing. The trade fair's focus is on all aspects of value creation in this technology area. Centre stage is taken by grinding machines, tool grinding machines and abrasives. All of the relevant software tools, the process periphery, and the measuring and testing equipment needed for QM processes relating to grinding are presented, keeping the entire production environment of grinding technology in view.

The internationally oriented trade fair starts with a hybrid concept. Accompanying the event and also between events, GrindingHub offers digital formats for match making, web seminars, conferences as well as the communication of current trends and innovations across all channels.

Messe Stuttgart - Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
Messepiazza 1, 70629 Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Tel: +49-711-18560-0
VDW - German Machine Tool Builders' Association
Corneliusstrasse 4, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt
Tel: +49-69-756081-0

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