Hawaiian Eye & Retina 2026 Hawaiian Eye & Retina 2026 313 days
The Most Unique Meeting in Ophthalmology
1/17/2026 - 1/23/2026
Venue: Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa HI, United States
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Hawaiian Eye is a meeting where everyone is motivated to look at new technologies and ideas together. The conference includes practice management topics to educate physicians, nurses and administrators in the room together to gain a shared viewpoint from the entire practice. There are interactive pro/con debates to create a fun and interesting format featuring point/counterpoint panel discussions with audience participation.

Website: https://www.healio.com/meeting/hawaiianeyemeeting/home
Hilton Waikoloa Village
69-425 Waikoloa Beach Drive,Waikoloa, Hawaii, 96738, Waikoloa HI
United States
Tel: +1-808-886-1234
Healio LIVE (The Wyanoke Group)
6900 Grove Road, Thorofare, NJ 08086-9447, Thorofare NJ
United States
Tel: +1-856-848.9005

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