Hispack 2027 Hispack 2027 792 days
International Packaging Exhibition
5/4/2027 - 5/7/2027
Venue: Gran Via Exhibition Centre, Barcelona, Spain
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The union of Hispack and Alimentaria FoodTech has generated one of the biggest commercial platforms for the food industry in the European Union.

Together they bring the offerings of 2,000 companies representing machinery and materials for packaging, and packaging, equipment and technology for the food industry. We are expecting more than 45,000 visitors.

Packaging and food technology share some major synergies, as the food industry is the number one consumer of packaging machinery and materials.

Hispack brings together every solution for the design and manufacture of packaging, while Bta, features every type of machinery and equipment for the food industry and its trade, and for the meat and affiliated sectors, as well as intermediate food products and ingredients.

Website: https://www.hispack.com/en/
Fira de Barcelona Gran Via
Av. Joan Carles I, 64 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
Tel: +34-902-233 200
Fira de Barcelona
Av. Reina Ma Cristina, s/n 08004, Barcelona
Tel: +34-902-233 200

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