IEEE GHTC 2025 IEEE GHTC 2025 224 days
IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference
10/22/2025 - 10/25/2025
Venue: Colorado Schools of Mines, Denver CO, United States
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
IEEE GHTC focuses on advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. This cross-disciplinary annual conference provides the perfect venue for those interested in humanitarian projects to join their peers.

GHTC is an international flagship conference, focused on bringing together people working on the application of technology to addressing critical issues for the benefit of the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations in the world. It is a forum where IEEE works with developers and NGOs to identify the most pressing needs. We encourage participants from academia, for-profit and non-profit businesses, governmental and non-governmental organizations to attend and present research, ideas, and other considerations for the creation of effective humanitarian technology. We also invite participants to share case studies and lessons learned from deployment and application of humanitarian technologies.

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
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United States
Tel: +1-212-419 7900

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