IEEE IAVVC 2025 IEEE IAVVC 2025 210 days
IEEE International Automated Vehicle Validation Conference
9/30/2025 - 10/2/2025
Venue: Kongresshaus Baden-Baden, Baden Baden, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The 2025 IEEE IAVVC - International Automated Vehicle Validation Conference - will be organized as an in-person event at one anchor location (Baden-Baden, Germany) with a derived specific program focus on the respective geographical region. This event format will allow increased connectivity between researchers, industry experts, policymakers and standardization engineers to interact in a common framework and to share academic, industrial and regulatory insights leveraged by virtual and physical system demonstrations. IAVVC is proposed as a lead event to promote the dialogue between academia, industry and regulators with respect to the development, testing and validation of automated vehicle solutions and their integration into digital and physical infrastructure. Industry innovations, results of academic research and new policy frameworks and standard developments are being discussed in context to inspire new product and process developments.

The conference focuses on all aspects related to research, development and applications of vehicle and infrastructure connectivity - both with focus on vehicle electrification and vehicle automation.

Kongresshaus Baden-Baden
Augustaplatz 10 76530, Baden Baden
Tel: +49-7221-304-0
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society
445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 459 Piscataway, NJ 08855-0459, Piscataway
United States
Tel: +1-732-981 0060

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