IEEE PEMC 2026 IEEE PEMC 2026 572 days
22nd International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control
10/5/2026 - 10/7/2026
Venue: Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The conference is a continuation of the Power Electronics and Motion Control International Conference series organized in previous years by PEMC Council. In last decades, the IEEE PEMC Conference (previously named as the PEMC and EPE-PEMC Conference) has become the largest and most important conference on Industrial Electronics and Motion Control in Central and Eastern Europe. Many excellent scientists and engineers affiliated to academic, research and industrial centers from Europe and whole world attend PEMC conferences every time.

IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS)
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, Piscataway
United States
Tel: +1-732-981 0060

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