IFH/Intherm 2026 IFH/Intherm 2026 407 days
The Trade Fair for Sanitation, Home and Building Technology
4/14/2026 - 4/17/2026
Venue: Nuremberg Exhibition Centre, Nuremberg, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Since 1976 IFH/Intherm is a specialised trade fair dealing with the subjects of sanitation, home and building technology. Aligned clearly to practical solutions, IFH/Intherm has become established as the leading venue for this sector's professionals.

The trade fair is organized by GHM Gesellschaft für Handweksmessen mbH and takes place every 2 years at Nuremberg fairground.

The product range covers the following subjects: Sanitation, heating, renewable energies, air conditioning and ventilation, House and building technology, Energy management, plumbing, test, measuring, and control equipment, pipes and accessories, pumps, workshop facilities, tools and transporters, IT, office facilities, other services, Specialist literature, publishers / Organisations.

Website: https://www.ifh-intherm.de/en/
Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
Messezentrum, Nuremberg
Tel: +49-0911-86 06-0
GHM - Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH
Willy-Brandt-Allee 1, 81829 Munich, Munich
Tel: +49-089-9 49 55 -0

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