IFTF 2025 IFTF 2025 245 days
International Floriculture Trade Fair
11/4/2025 - 11/6/2025
Venue: Expo Greater Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
International Floriculture Trade Fair (IFTF Expo) will be the industry wide event serving all segments of the floriculture industry chain: from breeders, propagators, technical & service suppliers, growers to the trade. It is all about buying and selling within the floriculture chain.

IFTF has found an excellent home base in Expo Haarlemmermeer, a former Floriade Hall designed and built as a state of the art green house. It is situated in the town of Vijfhuizen near Aalsmeer, where the FloraHolland Flower Auction is located which hosts a trade show for their members only at the same dates as the IFTF is being held.

Website: https://www.hppexhibitions.com/floriculture/
Expo Greater Amsterdam
Stelling 1, 2141 SB, Vijfhuizen, Amsterdam
Tel: +31-023-56 60 140
HPP International Group B.V.
Saxen Weimarlaan 54hs, 1075 CE, Amsterdam
Tel: +31-20-6622482

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