IUPESM World Congress 2025 IUPESM World Congress 2025 209 days
IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (IUPESM WC2025)
9/29/2025 - 10/4/2025
Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
On behalf of Engineers Australia, the Australian College of Physical and Engineering Scientists in Medicine, The International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, The International Organization for Medical Physics and The International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, we are excited to promote this event that promises to be a milestone in the realms of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. In the ever-evolving landscape of medicine and healthcare, the fusion of leading research and technological innovation is propelling us toward a future where the boundaries are beyond what any of us may have imagined just a few years ago. The 2025 IUPESM World Congress, in Adelaide, South Australia, is your gateway to the opportunities with which we are presented. The Congress theme is aligned with worldwide initiatives of equitable healthcare in a sustainable world: Bridging the Gap: Science, Technology, and Clinical Practice for a Sustainable World.

Join the brightest minds from around the world and network with scientists, engineers, researchers, innovators and corporations in this fantastic opportunity to expand your endeavours. The Congress will provide a unique opportunity to make new acquaintances in an environment where they will be sharing the very latest research, technologies and thinking that stands to collectively shape the future of healthcare delivery.

Website: https://wc2025.org/
Adelaide Convention Centre
North Terrace, Adelaide
Tel: +61-8-8212 4099
IUPESM - International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES, York
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-1904-null
Engineers Australia
Engineering House 11 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600, Canberra
Tel: +61-2-6270 6555

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