ILSC 2027 ILSC 2027
International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC)
Dates: TBD
Venue: TBD, TBD, United States
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC) is a comprehensive four-day conference covering all aspects of laser safety practice and hazard control. Scientific sessions will address developments in regulatory, mandatory and voluntary safety standards for laser products and for laser use. The Practical Applications Seminars (PAS) complement the Scientific Sessions by exploring everyday scenarios that the LSO and MLSO may encounter. Professionals in all fields and applications will find ILSC a tremendous source for information and networking opportunities.

Laser Institute of America (LIA)
13501 Ingenuity Drive, Suite 128, Orlando, FL 32826, Orlando
United States
Tel: +1-407-380.1553

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