International MicroNanoConference 2025 International MicroNanoConference 2025 249 days
International MicroNanoConference
11/18/2025 - 11/19/2025
Venue: TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Where industry meets science, where problems can find solutions, where employers meet future talent and where trends, challenges and new technologies are highlighted.

We aim for a scientific symposium of high value and a good atmosphere where science and industry can meet and have a good discussion. Therefore, following the format of previous iMNCs, we work on an exciting two-day program with (keynote) speakers from universities, research institutes and industry, break-out sessions on societal challenges and themes, and an evening program on 18 November 2025.

The international MicroNanoConference 2025 brings together science and industry to show how micro-, nano- and quantum technology can solve societal challenges. The language at the MicroNanoConference is English.

MinacNed - Association for Microsystems and Nanotechnology
Hallenweg 15 7522 NH, Enschede
Tel: +31-(0)53-4892715

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