KIOSH 2025 KIOSH 2025 77 days
13th Kazakhstan International Occupational Safety and Health Conference and Exhibition
5/28/2025 - 5/30/2025
Venue: EXPO International Exhibition Center, Astana, Kazakhstan
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
KIOSH exposition is a unique opportunity to present their company and demonstrate new equipment and technologies for public and industrial safety. This is a chance to read and study the business activities of competitors and their products and services, to assess the supply and demand of the market, sign lucrative deals and contracts.

At the exposition will be presented a large range of personal protective equipment: special clothing, supplies for special clothes, special footwear, fabrics and materials for protective clothing, respirators, hard hats, goggles, gloves, measuring devices, protective equipment for construction and industrial climbing, air purification systems, collective protection, as well as the latest achievements of this area.

International Exhibition Center EXPO Astana
53/1, ave. Mangilik El, Astana
Tel: +7-717-null
ITECA LLP Kazakhstan
World Trade Center Almaty 42, Timiryazev Str., Almaty
Tel: +7-727-258-34-34

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