Klimahouse 2026 Klimahouse 2026
International fair on energy efficient construction
Dates: TBD
Venue: Fiera Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Klimahouse's strategic location at the heart of the Alps makes it the perfect meeting point for companies to exchange ideas, innovations and insights on the latest trends on energy-efficient and sustainable construction. Thanks to a good mix of exhibition offerings and a comprehensive information program, Klimahouse positioned itself as the leading trade show on sustainable construction in all of Italy.

Klimahouse inspires 36,000 visitors from all over Italy to stay in the now. More than 450 exhibitors and over 150 events in four days for all those who believe in building well to live well.

Website: https://www.fierabolzano.it/it/klimahouse/
Messe Bozen - Bolzano Exhibition Center
Piazza Fiera 1, I - 39100, Bolzano
Tel: +39-0471-516000
Fiera Bolzano Spa
Piazza Fiera 1, I - 39100, Bolzano
Tel: +39-0471-516000

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