Movelsul Brasil 2027 Movelsul Brasil 2027
the leading furniture trade fair in Latin America
Dates: TBD
Venue: Parque de Eventos de Bento Goncalves, Bento Goncalves, Brazil
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The area surrounding Bento Goncalves has a Furniture Terroir because it has unique conditions for the development of products related to this industry. The lush landscape of the valleys, the local cuisine, the hospitality, and the Italian immigration play an important role in the shaping of the city and Movelsul. The local furniture industry developed in a collaborative, innovative environment, where beauty frames everyday life, where the need to do more with less has shaped the minds of entrepreneurs. Design is a combination of beauty, collaboration, innovation and economy.

Based on this concept, Movelsul - the main furniture fair in Latin America - aims to generate business between the furniture industry and buyers from Brazil and abroad.

Fundaparque - Complexo Multieventos
Logo Fundaparque Rua Alameda Fenavinho, 481 - Bento Goncalves/RS CEP: 95703-364, Bento Goncalves
Tel: +54-9-8403 9656
Rua 13 de Maio, 229 - 2o andar - Caixa Postal 2506 Bairro Centro, Bento Gonçalves
Tel: +55-54-2102 6800

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