Odontotech 2026 Odontotech 2026 511 days
International dental fair
7/28/2026 - 7/31/2026
Venue: Corferias, Bogota, Colombia
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The Colombian Dental Federation and the International Business and Exhibition Center-Corferias with the support of the Colombian Association of Hospitals and Clinics-ACHC will carry out, within the framework of Meditech, a new edition of Odontotech.

Specialized room where you will find the main companies in the country, representatives of leading brands in the dental industry at a national and international level and where you can access first-hand the new advances in products and services in dental technology. We concentrate the dental industry in a business scenario and we are the main platform to generate valuable contacts.

Website: https://feriaodontotech.com/
Corferias Bogota - International Business and Exhibition Center
Principal Entrance Carrera 37 No 24 - 67, Bogota
Tel: +57-1-381-0000
Corferias Bogota - International Business and Exhibition Center
Principal Entrance Carrera 37 No 24 - 67, Bogota
Tel: +57-1-381-0000

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