PV ModuleTech Europe 2025 PV ModuleTech Europe 2025 264 days
Traceability & Auditing, Technology, In-Field Performance & Reliability
11/25/2025 - 11/26/2025
Venue: NH Malaga, Malaga, Spain
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The European market is now the main region for PV module deployment, outside China. Module supply to Europe today is now running close to the 100-GW per annum level, as demand continues to grow rapidly across all European countries and PV market segments.

PV ModuleTech Europe is a two-day conference that tackles these challenges directly, with an agenda that addresses all aspects of module supplier selection; product availability, technology offerings, traceability of supply-chain, factory auditing, module testing and reliability, and company bankability.

PV ModuleTech Europe provides the perfect forum to connect module sellers with module buyers, while having the participation of third-party entities engaged in the testing and inspection of the product and company selling the modules.

Website: https://www.pvtechconferences.com/pv-moduletech-europe/
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