Private Label Brazil - North-Northeast Edition 2025 Private Label Brazil - North-Northeast Edition 2025 144 days
Trade show and Conference for Private Label in Latin
8/5/2025 - 8/6/2025
Venue: Centro de Eventos do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
PRIVATE LABEL BRAZIL will be held in Fortaleza (CE) to stimulate the development of Private Brands and Outsourcing in the North and Northeast Regions, where the local economy has great potential for growth and development in the coming years, also providing the increase in family consumption and industrial expansion.

Just like the National Edition, the North-Northeast Edition of Private Label brings together suppliers of products and services that meet the demands of retail chains, wholesalers, distributors, importers and also industries that seek quality partners to outsource their productions.

The fair offers companies from different segments a space to meet potential partners, discuss trends and opportunities to expand services, encouraging investments for the development of the segment.

Centro de Eventos do Ceará
Av. Washington Soares, 999, Bairro Edson Queiroz. CEP: 60.811-341, Fortaleza
Tel: +55-85-3101-1706
Rua Felix de Sousa, 305 Vl. Congonhas - Sao Paulo/SP CEP: 04612-080, Sao Paulo
Tel: +55-11-5042-5260

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