RAO/CIS Offshore 2025 RAO/CIS Offshore 2025 209 days
International Exhibition and Conference for Shipbuilding and Equipment and Technologies for Development of the Arctic and Continental Shelf
10/7/2025 - 10/10/2025
Venue: ExpoForum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
RAO/CIS Offshore exhibition presents new projects of oil and gas resources development in Russian Arctic and CIS Shelf, innovative techniques and technologies of oil and gas exploration, facilities for industrial and environmental safety.

In RAO/CIS Offshore representatives of public authorities and major oil companies participate, that contributes to the joint development of approaches and strategies in public policy in the area of continental shelf, and the legal regulation of promising projects.

Website: https://rao-offshore.ru/en
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center
Peterburgskoye highway 64/1, 196140, St. Petersburg
Tel: +7-812-240 4040
Restec Exhibition Company
12 A Petrozavodskaya St., 197110, St. Petersburg
Tel: +7-812-320 63 63

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