ROMMEDICA 2025 ROMMEDICA 2025 226 days
International trade fair for medical instruments and equipment
10/16/2025 - 10/18/2025
Venue: ROMEXPO, Bucharest, Romania
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Rommedica represents an event with tradition in the Romanian medical market and offers the opportunity to promote the latest news in the medicine field, to organize seminars, conferences and round tables, promoting the idea of developing and enhancing the quality of medical system in Romania.

The event is a major source of information for all the players in the medical system, both in public and private sectors. The companies that activate in the following fields: software and medical equipment, pharmaceutical, finance for medicine, leasing, medical centres and associations will be present as exhibitors at Rommedica.

ROMEXPO S.A. & Exhibition Centre
Marasti Blvd, nr. 65-67 Post Office Box 32-3, Postal Code 011465, Bucharest
Tel: +40-21-207.70.00
ROMEXPO S.A. & Exhibition Centre
Marasti Blvd, nr. 65-67 Post Office Box 32-3, Postal Code 011465, Bucharest
Tel: +40-21-207.70.00

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