SETT Namur 2026 SETT Namur 2026 324 days
Education in the age of new technologies
1/29/2026 - 1/30/2026
Venue: Namur Expo, Namur, Belgium
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
SETT: two days to explore state-of-the-art technologies to get inspired and shape the education of tomorrow

At an ever-growing pace, every aspect of our social and professional life is being transformed by new technologies and the digital age, and this has had a profound change on our daily lives.

Education has not managed to escape this either. Equipment, teaching methods, educational resources: in every shape or form, and at every single level, school-life is going digital!

SETT, a unique event that is now on the block, is specifically aimed at the instigators of this major change and revolution: teachers, heads of schools, colleges and universities, and all those involved in the teaching profession, from nursery school to higher education.

Namur Expo
Avenue Sergent Vrithoff 2 BE-5000, Namur
Tel: +32-(0)81-47 93 47
easyFairs SA/NV
Rue Saint-Lambert 135, Brussels
Tel: +32-(0)2-740 10 70

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