SPE Brazil FPSO Symposium 2025 SPE Brazil FPSO Symposium 2025 187 days
Sharing Lessons Learned and discuss the Next Generations of FPSOs
9/23/2025 - 9/24/2025
Venue: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The geographical conditions and the remote location of the main Brazilian reservoirs, notably the deep pre-salt giant fields, present a favorable environment for the use of FPSOs platforms.

Therefore, despite already having the most significant number of FPSOs in operation, for many years, there still are accurate projections as to the entry of many other FPSOs into production in the near future.

Based on this scenario, the Brazilian Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE, through its Sections Brazil and Macae, will hold the second edition of SPE Symposium FPSO with the objective of having together professionals from different areas to Sharing Lessons Learned and discuss the Next Generations of FPSOs. The integration of multidisciplinary knowledge is essential for consolidate a the worldwide chain of FPSOs design, management and operation absolutely necessary in the coming years.

In addition to the special sessions, there are technical roundtables to discuss key challenges points.

Website: http://spebrazilfpsosymposium.com.br/
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