Sirha Budapest 2026 Sirha Budapest 2026 356 days
The premium international event for professionals in the food service and hotel industry
3/3/2026 - 3/5/2026
Venue: Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center, Budapest, Hungary
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
For the experts of the region working in the food and catering industry, the Sirha Budapest trade fair is an unmissable event where the professional audience meets the best and latest features of the sector. Covering gastronomy, the hotel sector, catering, food retail, the bakery and pastry industry and many other related services, Sirha Budapest is an event which unites all branches of food industry services and gastronomy, providing an opportunity for the representatives of the various sectors to share their experiences with each other and make deals.

Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center
H-1101 Budapest Albertirsai ut 10., Budapest
Tel: +36-1-263 6101
Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center
H-1101 Budapest Albertirsai ut 10., Budapest
Tel: +36-1-263 6101

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