Smart City Expo Santiago del Estero 2025 Smart City Expo Santiago del Estero 2025 113 days
Smart City Expo Santiago del Estero
6/25/2025 - 6/26/2025
Venue: Centro de Convenciones FORUM, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
For the third consecutive year, Santiago del Estero will host leaders and specialists from governments, civil society organizations, foundations, academic institutions and companies from the region and the world.

On this occasion, the Santiago del Estero Forum will be the meeting point for those who promote initiatives that will accelerate the Latin American transition towards smart, productive, sustainable and people-centered urban and rural districts.

Under the motto "TERRITORIES THAT INNOVATE, COMMUNITIES THAT TRANSFORM" we will offer a rich agenda of meetings that will become the appropriate areas to promote dialogue, share knowledge, make tools known, educate society and promote public-private articulation projects.

We will promote the international insertion of the region, encouraging collaboration and multiplying employment and development opportunities for human capital in Latin America.

Welcome to the world's most important event that sparks debate to make our cities better places to live.

Fira de Barcelona
Av. Reina Ma Cristina, s/n 08004, Barcelona
Tel: +34-902-233 200

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