Subsea Expo 2026 Subsea Expo 2026
Europe's largest annual subsea exhibition and conference
Dates: TBD
Venue: P&J Live, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Subsea Expo is the world's leading annual subsea exhibition and conference, held annually at P&J Live in Aberdeen, and also includes the industry's prestigious awards ceremony, the Subsea Expo Awards.

The exhibition is a quality-focused event showcasing the capabilities, innovations and cutting-edge technologies of the underwater sectors, with over 150 exhibitors and over 6,000 delegates expected.

The conference runs multiple parallel sessions and attracts a broad range of experts to discuss the challenges facing the industry, new and transformational technologies, international market opportunities, latest developments and cross-sector innovation.

P&J Live
East Burn Road, Stoneywood, ABERDEEN, AB21 9FX, Aberdeen
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)1224-824 824
Global Underwater Hub
1 Abercrombie Court, Arnhall Business Park, Prospect Road, Westhill, Aberdeen AB32 6FE, Westhill
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)1224-506600

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