Nordiska Tradgardar 2025 Nordiska Tradgardar 2025 23 days
Scandinavia's leading garden show (The Nordic Gardens)
3/27/2025 - 3/30/2025
Venue: Stockholmsmassan, Stockholm, Sweden
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The Nordic Gardens is the meeting place for green fingers and garden art, creative ideas and practical tips, technology and botany. All the inspiration you need for your garden space, gathered in one place.

It's a total gardening weekend at Stockholmsmassan, Sweden. Seminars, open lectures and inspirational displays. Lots of inspiring exhibitions of new ideas, tips and suggestions. Seeds, plants, tools, free advice, knowledge, open talks, seminars, gardening personalities, machinery, greenhouses, ground coverings, ponds, pools, barbecues, books, magazines, stone & concrete, balconies and plenty of exciting new products.

All this makes The Nordic Gardens fair the obvious meeting place for all gardening enthusiasts, and as exciting and interesting to the balcony grower and garden and allotment owner as to the industry professionals.

Stockholmsmassan - Stockholm International Fairs & Congress Center
Mässvägen 1, 125 80, Stockholm
Tel: +46-(0)8-749 41 00
Stockholmsmassan - Stockholm International Fairs & Congress Center
Mässvägen 1, 125 80, Stockholm
Tel: +46-(0)8-749 41 00

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