The Precast Show 2026 The Precast Show 2026 337 days
the largest event specifically for the precast concrete industry
2/4/2026 - 2/6/2026
Venue: Kansas City Convention Center, Kansas City MO, United States
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
NPCA's annual trade show is the centerpiece of a week of activities that fall under the banner of The Precast Show. Many of the industry's top suppliers introduce new products and showcase the latest products and services for all sectors of the industry. It is the largest precast-specific trade show in North America and is the one place where you can find the industry's most important suppliers and foremost equipment experts under one roof.

Kansas City Convention Center
301 W. 13th Street, Suite 100, Kansas City MO
United States
Tel: +1-816-513-5000
National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA)
1320 City Center Drive, Suite 200 Carmel, IN 46032, Carmel
United States
Tel: +1-317-571-0041

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