International Engine Congress 2026 International Engine Congress 2026
13th International Engine Congress
Dates: TBD
Venue: Kongresshaus Baden-Baden, Baden Baden, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The International Engine Congress of VDI and ATZlive in Baden-Baden has been an important meeting place for engine developers and fuel specialists for years. Decision makers and experts from all over the world meet here to discuss the future of the combustion engine.

The main focus of the congress is to discuss the technical potential of the combustion engine for emission-neutral mobility in the future, because electric mobility alone will not achieve the ambitious climate goals of this and the upcoming decades. An important key here is fuel, because its decarbonization would help the entire engine-fuel system to move in the right direction for a climate-neutral propulsion.

Kongresshaus Baden-Baden
Augustaplatz 10 76530, Baden Baden
Tel: +49-7221-304-0
VDI Wissensforum GmbH
Postfach / P.O. Box 10 11 39 40002, Dusseldorf
Tel: +49-211-6214-201

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